Thank You

Thank you for submitting your referral online.

Your application has been received and will be reviewed shortly. If we have identified reasons for urgent allocation, we will be in contact very soon; otherwise, please contact us if you would like to be advised of the progress of your request. You will receive an email confirming your submission. Additionally, you can view the submitted form in your portal account for up to 60 days.

We would remind care homes and hospitals of your responsibility to notify the council if, prior to our assessment being completed, there are any significant changes in the circumstances, care and support needs or restrictions relating to the person concerned. In those circumstances, or if the DoLS request is no longer required, please let us know as a matter of priority.

Until we have completed our assessment and made a decision about your request, you should continue to act in the person's best interests and involve the person and relevant people, including family and friends, any Deputy or Lasting Power of Attorney, advocates and professionals, as appropriate, regarding the care and treatment arrangements for the person.

We'd like to hear your feedback on how easy it was to complete the form.